Baryshivska Grain Company is sowing soybeans and corn
Ukraine celebrated Orthodox Easter and the Labor Day Holiday right after with five days’ statutory holidays in a row. Holidays do not cancel sowing campaign. Baryshivska Grain Company has a good pace in sowing soybeans and corn. On May the 2nd field work was on full blast at the Chemer branch of the Chernigiv region. Corn was sown. This year the sowing campaign started a week earlier compared with the last year – on April 15.
– In the “Chemer” branch, all sunflower seeds have already been sown – 313 hectares and we started sowing corn. The temperature regime of the soil is 9-10 ° C. It is bad that at night the temperature drops to 3 ° C, but luckily there are no frosts. In April, the rainfall was from 35 to 45 mm. Especially the last days of the month were rainy. There is enough moisture in the soil for favorable seed germination. Precipitation has also improved the condition of winter wheat, its crops are in good condition, – says the agronomist of the department Raisa Balahchina.
In the Chernigiv region, Pöttinger Terrasem is used for sowing sunflower seeds. JohnDeer and Kinze are used for corn sowing.
– Currently 2200 hectares of sunflower has been sown in the Chernigiv region. Corn has taken 2800 hectares. Over the course of the day, we plant 200-250 hectares of sunflower and 300 hectares of corn. We plan to begin sowing soya on May 3, – says regional agronomist Yuriy Cheban.
High-quality seeds, sowing technology, treatment and care of crops produce results.